g - $1000 or 1 gram of drugs; term for an unfamiliar male; Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
g-riffic - Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
g-rock - One gram rock cocaine
g-shot - Small dose of drugs used to hold off withdrawal symptoms until full dose can be taken
g.b. - Depressants
gaffel - Fake cocaine
gaffle - fake crack, soap, candy or lawn fertilizer sold as crack
gaffus - Hypodermic needle
gage/gauge - Marijuana
gagers - Methcathinone
gaggers - Methcathinone
gaggler - Amphetamine; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
gallo - maihuana cigarrette
galloping horse - Heroin
gallup - Heroin
gamma oh - Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
gamot - Heroin
gange - Marijuana
gangster - Marijuana; person who uses or manufactures methamphetamine
gangster pills - Depressants
ganja - Marijuana; term from Jamaica
gank - Fake crack
ganoobies - State of being stoned and laughing uncontrollably
garbage - Inferior quality marijuana; low quality heroin
garbage heads - Users who buy crack from street dealers instead of cooking it themselves
garbage rock - Crack Cocaine
gash - Marijuana
gasper - Marijuana cigarette
gasper stick - Marijuana cigarette
gato (spanish) - Heroin
gauge butt - Marijuana
gbh - Gamma hydroxybutyrate(GHB)
gbl - Gamma butyrolactone; used in making Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
gear - drugs
gee - Opium
geek - Crack mixed with marijuana
geek-joints - Cigarettes or cigars filled with tobacco and crack; a marijuana cigarette laced with crack or powdered cocaine
geeker - Crack users
geep - Methamphetamine
geeter - Methamphetamine
geeze - To inhale cocaine
geezer - To inject a drug
geezin a bit of dee gee - To inject a drug
george - Heroin
george smack - Heroin
georgia home boy - Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
get a gage up - To smoke marijuana
get a gift - Obtain drugs
get down - To inject a drug
get high - To smoke marijuana
get lifted - Under the influence of drugs
get off - To inject a drug; get "high"
get off houses - Private places heroin users can purchase & use heroin for a fee
get the wind - To smoke marijuana
get through - Obtain drugs
getgo - Methamphetamine
getting glassed - To snort methamphetamine
getting roached - Using Rohypnol
getting snotty - Using heroin
ghana - Marijuana
ghb - Gamma hydroxybutyrate
ghost - LSD
ghostbusting - Smoking cocaine; searching for white particles in the belief that they are crack
gick monster - Crack smoker
gift-of-the-sun - Cocaine
gift-of-the-sun-god - Cocaine
giggle smoke - Marijuana
giggle weed - Marijuana
gimmick - Drug injection equipment
gimmie - Crack and marijuana; marijuana joint laced with crack
gin - Cocaine
girl - Cocaine; Crack Cocaine; heroin
girlfriend - Cocaine
giro house - Non-bank financial institutions for businesses frequently used by drug traffickers to launder drug proceeds
give wings - Inject someone or teach someone to inject heroin
glacines - Heroin
glad stuff - Cocaine
glading - Using inhalant
glass - Heroin; amphetamine; hypodermic needle; methamphetamine
glass gun - Hypodermic needle
glo - Crack Cocaine
gluey - One who sniffs or inhales glue
go - Amphetamines; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
go fast - methamphetimine
go into a sewer - To inject a drug; inject in the vein
go loco - To smoke marijuana
go on a sleigh ride - To inhale cocaine
go-between - Intermediary between dealer and buyer
go-fast - Methcathinone; crank; methamphetamine
goat - Heroin
goblet of jam - Marijuana
god's drug - Morphine
god's flesh - LSD; psilocybin/psilocin
god's medicine - Opium
gold - Marijuana; Crack Cocaine; heroin
gold dust - Cocaine
gold star - Marijuana
golden - Marijuana
golden dragon - LSD
golden eagle - 4-methylthioamphetamine
golden girl - Heroin
golden leaf - Very high quality marijuana
golf ball - Crack Cocaine
golf balls - Depressants
golpe - Heroin
goma (spanish) - Black tar heroin plus opium
gondola - Opium
gone, shot to the curb - Lost everything to crack
gong - Marijuana; opium
gonj - Marijuana
goob - Methcathinone
good - PCP; heroin
good and plenty - Heroin
good butt - Marijuana cigarette
good giggles - Marijuana
good go - Proper amount of drugs for the money paid
good h - Heroin
good horse - Heroin
good lick - Good drugs
good stuff - High potency drug, especially marijuana
goodfellas - Fentanyl
goody-goody - Marijuana
goof butt - Marijuana cigarette
goofball - Cocaine mixed with heroin; depressants
goofers - Depressants
goofy's - LSD
goon - PCP
goon dust - PCP
goop - Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
gopher - Person paid to pickup drugs
gorge - Marijuana
goric - Opium
gorilla biscuits - PCP
gorilla pills - Depressants
gorilla tab - PCP
got it going on - Fast sale of drugs
graduate - Completely stop using drugs; progress to stronger drugs
gram - Hashish
granulated orange - Methamphetamine
grape parfait - LSD
grass - Marijuana
grass brownies - Marijuana
grasshopper - Marijuana
grata - Marijuana
gravel - Crack Cocaine
gravy - Heroin; to inject a drug
grease - Currency
great bear - Fentanyl
great hormones at bedtime - Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
great tobacco - Opium
greek - Combination of marijuana and powder cocaine
green - Inferior quality marijuana; ketamine; PCP
green buds - Marijuana
green double domes - LSD
green dragons - Depressants
green frog - Depressants
green goddess - Marijuana
green goods - Paper currency
green leaves - PCP
green single dome - LSD
green tea - PCP
green triangles - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
green wedge - LSD
greenies - Amphetamines; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
greens - Marijuana
greens/green stuff - Paper currency
greeter - Marijuana
gremmies - Combination of cocaine and marijuana
greta - Marijuana
grey shields - LSD
griefo - Marijuana
griefs - Marijuana
grievous bodily harm - Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
grifa (spanish) - Marijuana
griff - Marijuana
griffa - Marijuana
griffo - Marijuana
grit - Crack Cocaine
grizzy - Marijuana
groceries - Crack Cocaine
ground control - The guide or caretaker during a hallucinogenic experience
grow(s) - Marijuana growing operations (indoor and outdoor)
gum - Opium; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
guma - Opium
gun - To inject a drug; needle; hypodermic needle
gunga - Marijuana
gungeon - Marijuana
gungun - Marijuana
gunja - Marijuana
gutter - Vein into which a drug is injected
gutter junkie - Addict who relies on others to obtain drugs
gwm - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
gym candy - Steroids
gyve - Marijuana cigarette