Internet & Text Slang Starting With U

Below is a list of internet slang and text slang terms or acronyms starting with the letter U. To view other internet slang or acronyms, click on another letter below or use the search box above.

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Click a Letter to See Corresponding Text Slang:

u :
u iz a 304 :
you is a hoe
u'd :
you would
u'll :
you will
u'r :
u'v :
you have
u've :
u/l :
u/n :
u2 :
You too
u2c :
unable to contact
u2u :
up to you
u4i :
up for it
ua :
user agreement
uaaaa :
Universal Association Against Acronym Abuse
uat :
User Acceptance Testing
uayor :
Use At Your Own Risk
ub3r :
uber :
uctaodnt :
you can't teach an old dog new tricks
udc :
you don't care
udcbm :
You Don't Care About Me
udek :
you don't even know
uds :
you dumb s**t
udwk :
you don't want to know
udy :
you done yet
ufab :
ugly fat ass b***h
ufia :
unsolicited finger in the anus
Unsolicited Finger in Chili
ufmf :
you funny mother f**ker
ufr :
Upon further review
ugba :
you gay b***h ass
ugtr :
you got that right
uhab :
you have a blog
uhems :
you hardly ever make sense
ui :
User Interface
ujds :
u just did s**t
Uk :
You know
ukr :
You know right
ukwim :
you know what i mean
ul :
ulbom :
you looked better on myspace
umfriend :
sexual partner
un2bo :
you need to back off
un4rtun8ly :
unt :
until next time
uom :
You owe me
upcia :
unsolicited pool cue in anus
upia :
unsolicited pencil in anus
upmo :
You piss me off
upos :
you piece of s**t
upw :
unidentified party wound
ur :
ur2g :
you are too good
ur6c :
you're sexy
ura :
you are a
uradrk :
you're a dork
urafb :
you are a f**king b***h
uraqt :
you are a cutie
urcrzy :
you are crazy
ure :
you are
urg :
you are gay
urht :
you're hot
url :
Uniform Resource Locator
url8 :
you are late
urms :
you rock my socks
urmw :
you are my world
urnc :
you are not cool
urng2bt :
You are not going to believe this
urs :
ursab :
you are such a b***h
You are so done.
ursdf :
you are so damn fine
Urself :
ursf :
You are so funny
ursg :
you are so gay
ursh :
you are so hot
urssb :
you are so sexy baby
urstpid :
you are stupid
urstu :
you are stupid
urtb :
you are the best
urtbitw :
You are the best in the world!
urtrd :
you ret*rd
urtw :
you are the worst
urw :
you are weird
uryyfm :
you are too wise for me
usa :
United States of America
usck :
you suck
usd :
United States Dollar
ussr :
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
usuk :
You Suck
usux :
you suck
ut :
unreal tournament
ut :
you there
uta :
up the ass
utfs :
Use the f**king search
utfse :
use the f**king search engine
utm :
you tell me
uttm :
you talking to me?
utube :
utw :
used to work
uty :
it's up to you
uve :
uvgtbsm :
you have got to be s**ting me
uw :
you're welcome
uwbr :
You will be remembered
uwc :
you are welcome
uwu :
cute face
uya :
up your ass
uyab :
up your ass b***h
wuta :
what you talking about