h - Heroin
h & c - Heroin and cocaine
h - bomb - Ecstasy (MDMA) mixed with heroin
h caps - Heroin
hache - Heroin
hail - Crack Cocaine
haircut - Marijuana
hairy - Heroin
half - 1/2 ounce
half a football field - 50 rocks of crack
half elbows - 1/2 pound of methamphetamine
half g - $500
half load - 15 bags (decks) of heroin
half moon - Peyote
half piece - 1/2 ounce of heroin or cocaine
half track - Crack Cocaine
half-a-c - $50 bill
ham - acid
hamburger helper - Crack Cocaine
hammerheading - MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) used in combination with Viagra
hand-to-hand - Direct delivery and payment
hand-to-hand man - Transient dealers who carry small amounts of crack
handlebars - Combination of crack cocaine and alprazolam
hanhich - Marijuana
hanyak - Smokable methamphetamine
happy cigarette - Marijuana cigarette
happy drug - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
happy dust - Cocaine
happy pill - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
happy powder - Cocaine
happy stick - Marijuana and PCP combination
happy sticks - PCP
happy trails - Cocaine
hard ball - Crack Cocaine
hard candy - Heroin
hard line - Crack Cocaine
hard rock - Crack Cocaine
hard stuff - Heroin; opium
hardware - Isobutyl nitrite; inhalants
harry - Heroin
harsh - Marijuana
has - Marijuana
hash - hasish
hats - LSD
have a dust - Cocaine
haven dust - Cocaine
hawaiian - Very high potency marijuana
hawaiian black - Marijuana
hawaiian homegrown hay - Marijuana
hawaiian sunshine - LSD
hawk - LSD
hawkers - Individuals who walk through a setting (nightclub) announcing the availability of a drug (typically MDMA, GHB, or LSD)
hay - Marijuana
hay butt - Marijuana cigarette
hayron - Heroin
haze - LSD
hazel - Heroin
hcp - PCP
he-man - Fentanyl
he-she - Heroin mixed with cocaine
head drugs - Amphetamine
head light - LSD
head shop - Store specializing in the sale of drug paraphernalia
headies - high quality marijuana
heart-on - Inhalants
hearts - Amphetamine
heat - The police or narcotics officers
heaven - Cocaine; heroin
heaven & hell - PCP
heaven dust - Cocaine; heroin
heavenly blue - LSD
heeled - Having plenty of money
helen - Heroin
hell - Crack Cocaine
hell dust - Heroin
henpecking - Searching on hands and knees for crack
henry - Heroin
henry - 1/8 oz marajuana
henry - one eigth of marijuana
henry viii - Cocaine
her - Cocaine
hera - Heroin
herb - Marijuana
herb and al - Marijuana and alcohol
herba - Marijuana
herbal bliss - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
herbs - cannabis
heri - heroin
herms - PCP
hero - Heroin
hero of the underworld - Heroin
heroina (spanish) - Heroin
herone - Heroin
hessle - Heroin
hiagra in a bottle - Inhalants
highball - Inhalants
highbeams - The wide eyes of a person on crack
hikori - Peyote
hikuli - Peyote
hillbilly heroin - OxyContin
him - Heroin
hinkley - PCP
hippie crack - Inhalants
hippieflip - Use of mushrooms and MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine)
hironpon - Smokable methamphetamine
hiropon - Smokable methamphetamine
hit - To smoke marijuana; marijuana cigarette; Crack Cocaine
hit house - House where users go to shoot up and leave the owner drugs as payment
hit the hay - To smoke marijuana
hit the main line - To inject a drug
hit the needle - To inject a drug
hit the pit - To inject a drug
hitch up the reindeers - To inhale cocaine
hitter - Little pipe designed for only one hit
hitters - People who inject others who have hard to find veins in exchange for drugs
hitting the slopes - snorting coke
hitting up - To inject a drug
hocus - Marijuana; opium
hog - PCP
holding - Possessing drugs
holiday meth - Green methamphetamine produced using Drano crystals
holy terror - Heroin
hombre (spanish) - Heroin
hombrecitos (spanish) - Psilocybin
homegrown - Marijuana
homicide - Heroin cut with scopolamine or strychnine
honey - Currency
honey blunts - Marijuana cigars sealed with honey
honey oil - Ketamine; inhalants
honeymoon - Early stages of drug use before addiction or dependency develops
hong-yen - Heroin in pill form
hooch - Marijuana
hoodie - marijuana cigarette
hooked - Addicted
hooter - Cocaine; marijuana
hop/hops - Opium
hopped up - Under the influence of drugs
horn - To inhale cocaine; Crack pipe; to inhale a drug
horning - To inhale cocaine; heroin
horse - Heroin
horse heads - Amphetamine
horse tracks - PCP
horse tranquilizer - PCP
horsebite - Heroin
hospital heroin - Diluadid
hot box - smoking in a car with the windows up
hot dope - Heroin
hot heroin - Heroin poisoned to give to a police informant
hot ice - Smokable methamphetamine
hot load/hot shot - Lethal injection of a narcotic
hot rolling - Liquefying methamphetamine in an eye dropper and then inhaling it
hot stick - Marijuana cigarette
hotcakes - Crack Cocaine
hotrailing - To heat methamphetamine and inhale the vapor through nose using a plastic tube
house fee - Money paid to enter a crackhouse
house piece - Crack given to the owner of a crackhouse or apartment where crack users congregate
how do you like me now? - Crack Cocaine
hows - Morphine
hrn - Heroin
hubba - Crack Cocaine
hubba pigeon - Crack users looking for rocks on the floor after a police raid
hubba, i am back - Crack Cocaine
hubbas - Crack
hubbas (northern ca) - Crack; I am back
huff - Inhalants
huffer - Inhalant abuser
huffing - To sniff an inhalant
hug drug - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
hugs and kisses - Combination of methamphetamine and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
hulling - Using others to get drugs
hunter - Cocaine
hustle - Attempt to obtain drug customers
hyatari - Peyote
hydro - Amphetamine; high quality methamphetamine; marijuana; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA); marijuana grown in water (hydroponic)
hydrogrows - Indoor marijuana growing operations
hype - Heroin addict; an addict; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
hype stick - Hypodermic needle